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Advancing Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion in Ecology

Beth Gavrilles

Oct 1, 2022

Ecology members also lead Emerge, a project of the Society for Freshwater Science, which launched in 2021 with funding from the National Science Foundation. Led by Prof. Amy Rosemond, Undergraduate Coordinator Amanda Rugenski, and Program Coordinator Breanna Ondich, with colleagues from Georgia Southern University; the University of California, Berkeley; and Virginia Commonwealth University, Emerge is already making an impact. The program is designed to increase participation and retention of students and early career scientists from groups under-represented in STEM f ields. In its first year, Emerge accepted a cohort of 26 Fellows and offered a suite of online and in-person activities including a river exploration trip, monthly online collaboration meetings, and in-person workshops on visual communication and on using R software to analyze National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) data. Year two successfully launched at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in May 2022. Emerge partner and filmmaker Jeremy Monroe of Freshwaters Illustrated released a short video introducing the program, which can be viewed at It was also featured in the 2022 STEM for All Video Showcase.

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